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How Load Balancing Improves Your Application and API Performance

Learn implementation strategies for load balancers and understand their impact on application and API performance based on real-world use cases.

Load Balancing Explained: The Proven Way to Make Your Applications Highly Available

Load balancing is a technology that helps organizations maintain high availability and performance for all their applications. This blog provides you with details to help your teams learn more about the features and benefits of load balancing.

Progress Kemp LoadMaster: Load Balancing 101

In this blog, we’ll provide a high-level description of what load balancing is and how it works. Then we’ll highlight the restrictions placed on Free LoadMaster to differentiate it from the commercially licensed editions.

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DevOps – where software development and operations collaborate

A fresh and exciting concept is taking hold within software development and operation teams around the world.

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Avoiding Silos with Cross Functional Teams

It’s quite common for organisations to be divided up into groups based on their function. For example, there could be groups for developers, server operations, product testing, a sales team, a marketing team, or many other groups, with a senior management layer above them.

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PowerShell for DevOps Automation

Automating build and deployment processes is a central pillar of DevOps. When multiple builds are being deployed from Dev to Test to Production everyday it’s vital to automate as much as possible.

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Replacing TMG with Free LoadMaster

Many IT departments deployed Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) as a reverse proxy for business applications like Exchange and SharePoint, and to help provide security for the application servers.

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Microsoft Azure Stack for DevOps

One of the goals of a DevOps workflow is to make it easier to quickly develop and deploy updated versions of applications to Development, Test, and Production environments.

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Azure Application Delivery by the Numbers

Azure Application Delivery by the Numbers from Kemp Load Balancers

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DevOps is more than…

Many organizations are adopting DevOps to help streamline their software development processes.

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DevOps – Infrastructure as Code

The rapid adoption of virtualization over the last decade solved many of the problems associated with application and server provisioning.

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Free Application Firewall

Kemp Loadmaster provides industry leading performance as a Load Balancer and as an Application Delivery Controller.

Download Your Free LoadMaster Load Balancer
